We believe organisations can significantly enhance their leadership effectiveness through addressing their people at their strengths, through developing relationships of trust, and through building a coaching culture.


September 30. 2015

Trust in teams is not about being nice to each other, it is about working more productively together.if you really want to build trust in your team, don't just invest your team's time and money on building wooden bridges and jumping ropes, probably it is better to go out for dinner, and chat together instead.

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April 21. 2015

At the 4th Postgraduate Course of the Hellenic Microbiology Society on Hospital Infection Control, Olympia Mitsopoulou was invited to show how solution focused coaching can support hospital staff and patients better follow guidelines for controlling hospital infections.

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March 26. 2015

How Solution Focus "shadow" coaching can empower pharma sales people...

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December 24. 2014

As Solution Focused Practitioners, we are interested in what worked well! Here is what worked well for Atom Wave in 2014...

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November 24. 2014

Alpha Bank coaching program designed and run by Atom Wave since 2007 was shortlisted for the 2014 Coaching program Award.

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Solution Focused Internal Coach Certification Program

Word of mouth...

“True developmental experience ...with measurable results and positive effect on work ethic. Solution focus works!”

Golfo AGAPITOU - Head of People Development,  Eurobank

“Exceptional development program ...contributes to increased business results in sales, improved team collaboration, trust building, more effective delegation, and better time management.”NIKI KANELLOPOULOUTraining and Development Deputy Director ALPHA BANK

Olympia had a way of approaching each and every one of us, bridging our differences and make us feel like a team without limits!

Stella VOLAKI - Consumer Products Division - L'Oréal

“Highly interactive program, delivered with structure and impact. Equips with solid techniques/ skills that immediately applicable to personal and organisational effectiveness.”

Natasha SPIROU, Group HR Director - Fourlis Holdings SA